
Blissful world of books

20 April 2024 7:15 PM GMT
As the world celebrates the World Book Day on April 23, this article presents a list of mental health books delving into depression, CBT, trauma,...

Dilemma of reluctant returnees

20 May 2023 6:02 PM GMT
In cases of school refusal, usually resulting from long absence, parents can play a big role by taking a kind but firm approach towards the transition...

Stand by the shepreneurs

13 May 2023 3:11 PM GMT
While mothers being super sheroes is a universally acknowledged fact, there is a need to go beyond and recognise the urge to help them achieve...

Obstacles to abstinence

6 May 2023 4:08 PM GMT
Initial steps towards shedding alcohol dependence attract multiple resistive symptoms depicting the alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The response should...

Maladies from medication?

29 April 2023 2:37 PM GMT
Though mostly a rare phenomenon, prolonged intake of certain medicines can cause psychiatric manifestations in some people; individuals should consult...

Healing through a bot?

22 April 2023 5:03 PM GMT
Like other fields involving human agency, psychotherapy, too, is not left untouched by AI, but chatbot therapists should only be used in supplementary...

Stabilising the vicissitudes

8 April 2023 4:16 PM GMT
Though borderline personality disorder (BPD) is incurable, through effective treatment and management, affected individuals can be made to lead a...

Align with the ‘spectrum’

1 April 2023 4:30 PM GMT
Lifestyle and preferences of children living with autism are dictated by the degree to which they are affected; being respectful and accommodative...

A healing touch for mind

25 March 2023 3:48 PM GMT
Despite having its roots in the Indian culture, ‘therapy’ as a healing mechanism has come to be surrounded by a plethora of myths and taboo

Triggering mental maladies

18 March 2023 4:42 PM GMT
A surge in H3N2 influenza cases is negatively impacting the mental health of affected persons — presenting a need to address both physical and...

Lost in a hustle?

11 March 2023 2:36 PM GMT
Like humans’ capabilities, their limitations, too, need to be respected to get rid of the flawed notion of productivity which results in burnout, and...

Fight the fright

4 March 2023 4:34 PM GMT
The fairly common phenomenon of performance anxiety becomes counterproductive beyond a certain point, and requires steady, tech-based effort in its...
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