
Ushering in 2017

Here begins another year full of hopes dreams, aspirations and ambitions, or shall we say another year of challenges and attempt. A year which goes by is never quite as great as we had hoped for or as bad as we had feared. But the passage of time always leaves its mark.

We often mourn for the year that was but we always greet the next year with celebrations. The poet says, ‘ring out the old, ring in the new.. the year is going, let him go, ring out the false, ring in the true’ and keeping true to the tradition, all of us feel excited to usher in a fresh year. However, do we ever wonder why we greet the new with festivities in the company of loved ones? 

The roots of the tradition transcend the shores of our country and take us to the beliefs of ancient Babylon where the citizens celebrated the 11 day spring festival around roughly the same time. It was believed that the company of loved ones and the loud music would keep evil at bay and bring us good luck. Of course, it wasn’t until Julius Caesar, that January 1st became the New Year. 

Uniquely, the new year is perhaps the only holiday which is celebrated worldwide regardless of cast creed or religion. Here in India, many of us have their own new year celebrations at different times of the year like Vaisakhi or Navratri or Bihu but regardless of that we all also celebrate the last day of the calendar, December 31st. 

The New year also symbolises rebirth and rejuvenation, a renewal of vows. And that brings us the right to our new year resolutions. Yes, you know, those promises we make to ourselves, to try harder, do better or achieve more. We, human crave renewals. Maybe because it gives us a chance to put our mistakes behind us and begin again. Every day we can let the sun set on our failures and the next morning rise on a chance to strive for success afresh. And the New year’s morning dawns with a promise of 365 opportunities to start afresh. 

But some of us want a road map and so we have a sudden rise in interest in astrological predictions. Even non believers, given an opinion would peruse through “ how 2017 would be for Sagittarius or Scorpio or is it Libra or your love life in 2017”. 

Friends, the only person who can make a positive difference in your life or love life is you through positive actions. 2017 gives you 365 more days to show your love for your special one or to try to achieve that ideal weight or aspire for that dream job. Maybe that’s why we so love a New Year’s Eve because it comes with a bouquet of promises. 

Let’s us take those promises and transform them to resolutions and make those resolutions into goals such that those achieved goals make a successful life. Let us promise to strive and make this year better than before... Happy New Year.

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