
The cultural potpourri

The Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre will be presenting an interesting set of cultural
programmes till March 22.

Boxes, chairs, ladders, wheels ... and birds by Naresh Kapuria. The three dimensional work depicts the journey of life towards materialistic and spiritual attainments. ‘Clouds in the art work symbolize the abode of materialistic or spiritual journey. The works portraying materialistic struggle are the ones with chairs where the journey is to attain power ‘The Chair’. The pieces portraying spiritual enlightenment are with ladders ‘Towards Moksha’. The birds in the paintings are the living beings. There is also use on cycle and kite in his works. The exhibition will be on from March 14 to 17.

THE LOST EUROPEAN (Az elveszett európai)
The lost european is a Documentary film, directed by József Sipos (2014),  it will be screened on March 19. Even after the 70th anniversary of the events, it is purposeful to keep the memory of the Holocaust and Raoul Wallenberg vivid. The film attempts to draw a coherent picture about the pre-war Raoul Wallenberg, who is still not a mythic hero but an orphaned child who is still a member of one of the wealthiest Swedish families, though never successful in the world of bourgeoisies.
It  presents a valid picture about a man who got a job according to absolutely contingent causes with a Hungarian Jew and whose fate thus became inter-connected with the tragic fate of Eastern-European Jews.

The members of Norbert Kael’s Jazzical trio are internationally acclaimed musicians. Their main profile is creating a fusion of classical and jazz styles using a new approach, and creating a unique sound. They arrange popular classical pieces into jazz, keeping their original character and adding a new flavour to them. Blending two worlds into one striking and yet tasteful combination and will be performing from March 22 to 29
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