

Flour- 250 gm
Yeast – 10 gm
Sugar – 20 gm
Salt- 4 gm
Eggs – 250 gm
Clarified Butter – 75 gm
Pastry Cream
Milk – 250 ml
Egg yolks- 40 gm
Sugar- 50 gm
Vanilla Bean – ½
Cornflour -15 gm
Flour – 15 gm

1) Boil milk with vanilla bean
2) Mix flour,Cornflour ,Sugar and egg yolks .
3) Pour the above mix into milk.
4) Cook it over the stove.
5) Once cooked pour it in the clean container.
6) Chill it in a blast chiller.
7) Whisk all dry ingredients with egg for 15 min.
8) Put the melted butter on top.
9) Leave it to prove and then whisk the mix again .
10) Prove it again and then bake it in the buttered mould at 180 C for 12 min. .
11) Cool it down, sandwich it with pastry cream and fill the with Chantilly on top and decorate it with fruits.

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