
Indian girl faces racism charges in UK

Scotland Yard is facing allegations of racial discrimination including by a British-Indian woman officer who was called a “good little Hindu girl”. Legal firm Equal Justice this weekend disclosed details to ‘The Sunday Times’ of six new discrimination claims, involving race, sex and gender, being lodged against the Metropolitan police (Met). 

Lawrence Davies, head of Equal Justice, has allegedly provided details of six new anonymised claims to show the scale of the challenge in stopping discrimination within the force.  It is alleged in one case a British-Indian woman detective was described as a “good little Hindu girl” and another was told by male colleagues: “You need to grow a beard, shout more and be more masculine.” 

“The evidence is clear that the Met is no longer a safe working environment for a black and ethnic minority officer,” Davies told the newspaper.  An inquiry published last week by the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) into race discrimination at the Met Police found officers expected to be victimised if they complained about discrimination.  

However, the report concluded no equality laws were breached. The Met Police said it could not comment on anonymous claims that may be subject to ongoing legal proceedings or active investigation. 
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