
Hues of marginalised artists

Art plays a large part in making our lives infinitely rich, though we may not be aware of its contribution. It is the aesthetic spectrum of artists that makes us more thoughtful and well-rounded humans. Despite the best of efforts of some of the most influencing patrons of art, many of the artists continue to remain unsung and even languish in their inadequate world.

In an endeavor to promote understanding, acceptance, and a reintegration into society of the marginalised artists, 'Hues of Neelanchal' endeavors to bring to the fore, the extravagant manifestation of imagination blended with the richness of multi myriad hues and expressions by some of the most gifted men, some of the inventive efforts of whom have never been showcased before. Exhibiting nine shortlisted artists from Odisha, 'Hues of Neelanchal,' at Lalit Kala AKademi, Rabindra Bhawan displays about 45 artworks specially created for the show. The show is on till February 25.

Be it capturing nature in its naked form or discovering the value of humans, or exploring the unseen in dazzling forms, artists like Banoj Mohanty, Amarendra Mahrana, Chiranjib Pand, Deenbandhu Marndi, Nirakar Chowdhury, Anil Roy, Rajesh Pattnaik and Sushant Kumar Panda arrest the exquisite beauty of art in multifarious forms: oil, acrylic, watercolors and even waste material.

The aim of this exhibition which will be selling the artworks in a range of Rs 20,000 to Rs 1,50,000 each is to support the artists to showcase their talent and for them to be recognized in their individual capacity for future for commercial success.
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