
Fake it till you make it

9 Feb 2024 4:32 PM GMT
How unethical can PR tactics get just to create the shock factor? The recent Poonam Pandey death hoax shows it all

Buck the cull!

2 Feb 2024 3:50 PM GMT
The threat of AI taking over jobs is clear and present danger, especially to inefficient workers. Time to upskill and be uptight about efficiency

A ‘new’ India

27 Jan 2024 6:09 PM GMT
As we come to terms with a new 'Hindu' identity for India, can we promise to uphold the Indian constitution as supreme?

The Ram Brandwagon

19 Jan 2024 4:16 PM GMT
Large and small businesses make a beeline for Ayodhya to make the best of ‘Brand Ram’

Mind matters

12 Jan 2024 7:22 PM GMT
The Suchana Seth case screams for attention to mental health; are we noticing our minds?


5 Jan 2024 4:47 PM GMT
Excessive use of antibiotics that increases the dangers of antimicrobial resistance has been found in a recent study

Farewell 2023!

29 Dec 2023 3:29 PM GMT
Looking back at the year gone by and gearing up for 2024 — it’s that time of the year again

While you were protesting

22 Dec 2023 3:19 PM GMT
Important bills were passed in the Lok Sabha without the presence of the Opposition in direct contravention of the democratic essence of India

Looming water wars

15 Dec 2023 3:25 PM GMT
With water running low and disputes high, internal and external conflict over this essential resource is impending

The Indian travel conundrum

8 Dec 2023 2:29 PM GMT
This festive season made it tough for migrant workers to get home; how do we keep ticket prices in check?

The deepfake problem

1 Dec 2023 3:46 PM GMT
The recent government action on tackling deepfakes is much-needed to quell this growing threat to society

Sex Ed

17 Nov 2023 3:49 PM GMT
Sex education in India is still largely taboo; and while school curriculums deliver the basics, they skirt discussion, understanding, and openness
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