
Falling by the wayside

15 Feb 2022 3:16 PM GMT
New Delhi has not backed its WTO proposal to suspend intellectual property rights on COVID-19 pharma products with robust action

Cuba's exemplary 'revolution'

1 Feb 2022 3:26 PM GMT
Punching way above its weight, the tiny nation has developed five vaccines, and offers hope of vaccine equity across the world

A bizarre demand?

23 Nov 2021 2:39 PM GMT
The application for securing GI tag for Banarasi paan appears to be misplaced, and could potentially lead to controversies

Big Pharma has the answers?

28 Sep 2021 11:47 AM GMT
IFPMA, the biopharma trade body, has made its claim clear: COVID-19 vaccine management should be left to a handful of companies, and all blame lies...

Grotesque profits

7 Sep 2021 2:23 PM GMT
A greed-driven vaccine market, backed by rich countries’ frivolous rush for booster doses, has deprived poor countries of their share of jabs

India's patent law

18 March 2019 4:46 PM GMT
Opposition to the new patent claims on the Johnson & Johnson drug is a test of how well the rules against evergreening are working

The zero budget farming discord

20 Nov 2018 4:32 PM GMT
There is unease over the crusader of natural farming, Subhash Palekar, for renaming the technique after himself

Patient before corporate profits

21 Oct 2018 3:16 PM GMT
As prices of the life-saving drugs skyrocket, people from diverse fields are getting together to fight Big Pharma

US trading on thin ice

15 Oct 2018 4:08 PM GMT
As Trump escalates trade war with China, the key question is what constitutes theft of intellectual property

The sheer folly of Indian GIs

19 March 2018 3:15 PM GMT
States are competing to pile up Geographical Indication tags without studying the benefit to producers.

Validation of India's drug patent policy

3 Dec 2016 9:30 PM GMT
If ever India needed an explicit endorsement of its laws on intellectual property rights (IPRs) and their application in meeting public health...

CSIR lays down law on patenting

26 Nov 2016 9:37 PM GMT
There is a vast gulf between patents that are useful and those that are best described as ornamental. The first brings in revenue through licensing...
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