
Restoring firdaus

18 Jun 2019 7:20 PM IST
Economic prosperity and social harmony were the hallmarks of Kashmir. The youth must internalise this legacy and retrieve it from oblivion

War, peace, and in between

1 March 2019 10:20 PM IST
When nationalism is a mood, not a sacred ideology

Marauding #MeToo

14 Oct 2018 11:27 PM IST
This phenomenon has whirled significantly for a class of Indian women. Whether it turns into a milestone or not remains to be seen

Fuel for the cleanliness drive

30 Sept 2018 10:08 PM IST
It is commendable that the Gandhian notion finds exclusive endorsement after decades, but imbibing it as a national culture has a long way to go

Borders: Between people and policies

21 Sept 2018 10:43 PM IST
Nepal choosing China over India speaks of priorities of the Nepali government guided by their national interest and not by dominant ideological...

In the age of psychological warfare

7 Sept 2018 10:30 PM IST
Ideas in the political pipeline are not as quick to come into play as ideas emerging from the breeding grounds of intellectual romance

Counting catastrophes

26 Aug 2018 10:14 PM IST
A robust economy will help recuperate faster from disaster. A healthier approach is to be institutionally foresighted and effectively disaster-proof...

A tale of two territories

17 Aug 2018 10:23 PM IST
Delhi was governed with exemplary coordination between Centre and the state and Article 35A was nowhere in question in the epochal 1999

Sporting Nationalism

27 July 2018 11:24 PM IST
Sports is a pristine aspect of nationalism, one that asserts and establishes an identity peacefully and passionately

Naturalising a queer concern

13 July 2018 9:25 PM IST
In a country where socially validated common heterosexual concerns are broached in hush tones, genuine homosexuality will naturally seem unnatural.

Price, procurement, and food security

8 July 2018 10:02 PM IST
The increased MSP for coarse grains hints at a positive possibility with respect to malnutrition and consumption of these lesser-popular grains.

Defense and democracy

1 July 2018 10:13 PM IST
Politics and governance are two different ball games. Stirring them up with the ladle of defense will only cook up unscaled disaster.
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