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Up for grabs
1 March 2020 8:33 PM ISTSmall but noteable changes are expected for the power balance in the Upper House when 55 Rajya Sabha seats will be contested next month
On unsure footing
8 Dec 2019 10:18 PM ISTReplicating the Lok Sabha success might prove difficult for BJP in Jharkhand elections
Bittersweet victory
28 Oct 2019 8:55 PM ISTIrrespective of the final outcome, voter sentiment in the recent Assembly elections highlight BJP’s compounding plight due to a pervasive slowdown
Eliminating poverty
20 Oct 2019 8:19 PM ISTAbhijit Banerjee, who has become the second Indian after Amartya Sen to win the Nobel Prize for Economics is a pioneer in the field of poverty...
Proceeding with caution
25 Aug 2019 7:59 PM ISTIndia must amicably resolve the Kashmir conundrum and not let its focus on the region’s development delegitimise Kashmiris
Taller than BJP
26 May 2019 10:31 PM ISTResounding appeal for a strong leader is reflected in the general mandate of 2019
Delivering the promise
16 Dec 2018 9:18 PM ISTCongress must now live up to its bold electoral commitment of waiving farm loans and uplifting agricultural crisis
1975 : Era of a flawed democrat
1 July 2018 10:10 PM ISTIs Emergency the only measure of Indira Gandhi?
Dismantling statues is cultural anarchy
11 March 2018 9:37 PM ISTTwo recent developments of national significance shed light on the changing dynamics of regional politics.
All eyes on Northeast
18 Feb 2018 10:37 PM ISTTripura, Meghalaya, and Nagaland brace for high-stakes polls.
Balancing multiple elections
5 Feb 2018 7:30 PM ISTAs Lok Sabha and assembly elections have diverse federal rhythms, simultaneous elections may not be feasible