

From denial to urgency

6 July 2024 6:48 PM GMT
In his magnum opus, Climate Change: The Policy, Law and Practice, Jatinder Cheema documents global, multilateral, regional, and national climate...

Shadows of deceit & manipulation

6 July 2024 1:50 PM GMT
'The Deception Industry' by Herjinder Singh Sahni delves into the intersection of technology, social media, and democracy, scrutinising modern...

Soulful stroll through the ‘green’ heritage

22 Jun 2024 1:59 PM GMT
Enriched with lush descriptions and captivating anecdotes, ‘Gardens of Delhi’ by Swapna Liddle and Madhulika Liddle, with its aesthetic-historical...

Democracy: continuities and disruptions

22 Jun 2024 1:52 PM GMT
In 'The Republic Relearnt', Radha Kumar examines historical disruptions in Indian democracy, highlighting four decades of decline and shorter...

An intellectual’s odyssey

15 Jun 2024 2:44 PM GMT
The 1920s represent a transitional decade for B. R. Ambedkar from two points of view. First, while he had spent quite some time in the West in the...

Amour over animosity

8 Jun 2024 5:18 PM GMT
In India, Urdu is an Eighth Schedule language, the status and cultural heritage of which are recognised by its Constitution. It also has an official...

Architect of artistic revival

4 May 2024 11:02 AM GMT
This monograph on Rukmini Devi Arundale, beautifully written by VR Devika, chronicles the outstanding journey of the subject, who revitalised certain...

An insider’s chronicle

27 April 2024 2:04 PM GMT
‘Transformation: Emergence of Bangladesh and Evolution of India-Bangladesh Ties’ by Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty offers a comprehensive analysis of the...

Blissful world of books

20 April 2024 7:15 PM GMT
As the world celebrates the World Book Day on April 23, this article presents a list of mental health books delving into depression, CBT, trauma,...

Unearthing silenced voices

20 April 2024 7:15 PM GMT
‘India’s Forgotten Country’ by Bela Bhatia traces the works of the author over three decades, chronicling the struggles of India's marginalised...

Enigmatic universe of a maverick

13 April 2024 5:15 PM GMT
Diving into the vivid realm of FN Souza’s life and art, ‘The Archetypal Artist’ by Janeita Singh takes readers on an enthralling journey through 21...

Pen, power, and poetry

6 April 2024 4:28 PM GMT
Published in the series ‘Makers of Indian Literature’ by Sahitya Akademi, Alapan Bandyopadhyay’s monograph on modern Bengali Poet Nirendranath...
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