
India's education crisis

6 Dec 2018 10:08 PM IST
India needs to dramatically increase the quality and accessibility of higher education to match economic growth and emerge as a global leader

Getting together India and Australia

19 Nov 2018 8:44 PM IST
Modern times have yet to see a strong bilateral and strategic engagement between New Delhi and Canberra as both countries remain hostage to their...

India's employability quotient

12 July 2018 10:31 PM IST
With significant technological strides, we must realign our education system to create more employable citizens

Are we running out of time?

10 Jun 2018 10:27 PM IST
A nation’s future is forged by its education system. A defunct system will usher in a dismal future. India’s education system needs urgent rewiring.

Strategising Maldives

5 March 2018 8:43 PM IST
The idyllic Maldives faces a serious constitutional crisis and there are no indications that President Abdullah Yameen will be willing to soften his...

India needs to tread the innovation path to progress

28 Aug 2016 3:17 AM IST
Innovation worries us. At one level, many perceive it as a threat to their jobs and, in fact, to their way of thinking and behaving. It challenges...

Resolving India’s education crisis

19 Aug 2016 4:26 AM IST
A recent report tabled in parliament that over 100,000 schools in India have just one teacher is an alarming wake-up call for the government and all...

Game changer for India-Australia ties

12 July 2016 5:35 AM IST
The platform for a transformational change in bilateral relations was laid when Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Australia in November 2014....

Cameron has left Europe and the world floundering

1 July 2016 3:09 AM IST
British Prime Minister David Cameron's exit speech, with his quivering lower lip, won praise from some in the social media. Very quickly, however,...

Budget 2016 and people’s aspirations

17 March 2016 2:44 AM IST
Ever since the then Finance Minister Shan Mukhan Chitty presented India’s first Budget in 1947, the event has been eagerly awaited as the first...

Style must accompany substance

28 Oct 2015 3:01 AM IST
It is extraordinary how quickly we believe smart slogans. Advertising and marketing are based precisely on the ability to win subscribers and getting...

Making the crash work in your favour

29 Aug 2015 3:28 AM IST
The devaluation of the Chinese yuan, coupled with anxieties about Beijing’s ability to revive the flagging economy, tasted first blood with a massive...
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