
'Pak may soon cross peak seen during first Coronavirus wave'

Islamabad: A top Pakistani government official on Saturday said the coronavirus cases in the country would soon cross the peak level seen during the first wave of the pandemic in June last year and warned that if the surge in infections is not controlled,

tougher restrictions will have to be imposed.

Addressing a media briefing here, National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) Chairman Asad Umar said the government is trying to keep a balance between protecting the livelihood and containing the virus at the same time.

However, he said, "If the increase continues at this rate then in the next few days or next week, we will go beyond the level and peak we saw in the first wave in June and you all must remember what the situation was at the


Noting that people are not following the (standard operating procedures) SOPs, Umar said the COVID situation developing in the country is becoming "very


"Maybe till now the people haven't realised what dangerous situation we are facing in the third wave of COVID-19," he said. The NCOC is Pakistan's main national body set up to control the pandemic.

Umar, who is also the Minister for Planning, warned that tougher restrictions will have to be imposed to control the virus as the hospitals are already nearing their full capacity and availability of beds might now become an issue.

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