
Nepal PM Deuba says he shared views with PM Modi

Nepal PM Deuba says he shared views with PM Modi

Kathmandu: Nepal's newly-appointed Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba on Monday thanked his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi for the congratulatory message and said he shared views with him on further strengthening ties between the two neighbouring countries during a cordial telephone conversation.

Prime Minister Modi had immediately congratulated Deuba after the veteran Nepalese leader won a vote of confidence in the reinstated House of Representatives on Sunday night.

On Monday, Modi spoke to Deuba, also president of the Nepali Congress (NC), and asserted that both leaders will work together to further enhance the wide-ranging cooperation between the two countries, including in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I had (a) cordial telephone conversation with Prime Minister @narendramodi this afternoon. We shared views on further strengthening bilateral ties. PM Modi assured early supply of Covid Vaccines to Nepal. I thanked him for his warm words of congratulations, Deuba tweeted.

Earlier on Monday, Modi in a tweet said, "Spoke with Prime Minister @DeubaSherbdr to convey my congratulations and best wishes. We will work together to further enhance the wide-ranging cooperation between India and Nepal, including in the fight against the COVID-19


Deuba, who was appointed as the prime minister for a record fifth time on July 12 following the Supreme Court's intervention, secured 165 votes in the 275-member House on Sunday.

"Congratulations Prime Minister @DeubaSherbdr and best wishes for a successful tenure. I look forward to working with you to further enhance our unique partnership in all sectors, and strengthen our deep-rooted people-to-people ties," Modi tweeted on Sunday night.

Responding to Prime Minister Modi's tweet, Deuba thanked his Indian counterpart for his congratulatory message and expressed his desire to work closely with him to strengthen the bilateral ties between the two neighbouring countries.

"Thank you very much, Prime Minister @narendramodi Ji, for your congratulatory note. I look forward to closely working with you to strengthen the relationship between our two countries and people," Deuba tweeted late Sunday night.

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