
N Korea fires artillery into sea days after missile launch

Seoul: North Korea fired suspected artillery pieces into the sea on Sunday, South Korea's military said, days after the North's latest missile launch ended in failure amid the country's recent burst of weapons testing


There is speculation that North Korea could soon try to launch its developmental longest-range ballistic missile to bolster its arsenal and dial up pressure on the United States to wrest concessions as negotiations remain


South Korea's military suggested North Korea's midair missile explosion last Wednesday involved parts of the Hwasong-17 missile, its biggest weapon.

On Sunday, South Korea's Defense Ministry said it detected firings likely from multiple rocket launch systems off North Korea's west


The ministry said the military closely monitors North Korean moves and maintains its readiness.

South Korea's presidential office said in a separate statement it held an emergency national security council meeting to discuss what it called the North's short-range projectile launches.

Council members worked to analyse details of the firings in close coordination with the United States, it said.

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