
China, Russia officials meet in show of unity against EU, US

China, Russia officials meet in show of unity against EU, US

Beijing: The foreign ministers of China and Russia affirmed their countries' close ties at a meeting Tuesday, amid intense criticism and new Western sanctions against them over human rights.

Wang Yi and Sergei Lavrov rejected outside sniping at their authoritarian political systems and said they were working to further global progress on issues from climate change to the Coronavirus pandemic.

At their initial meeting in the southern Chinese city of Nanning on Monday, Wang and Lavrov accused the U.S. of interference in other countries' affairs and urged it to rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement, something that President Joe Biden's new administration has approached cautiously. Russia and China both maintain close relations with Tehran, with which they share a firm approach against any political opposition.

The two officials continued that rhetoric at a news conference on Tuesday, where Wang sharply criticized coordinated sanctions brought by the European Union, Britain, Canada and the United States against Chinese officials over human rights abuses in China's far western Xinjiang region.

Countries should stand together to oppose all forms of unilateral sanctions," Wang said. These measures will not be embraced by the international community."

Lavrov said sanctions were drawing Russia and China closer together and accused the West of imposing their own rules on everyone else, which they believe should underpin the world order.

If Europe broke these relations, simply destroying all the mechanisms that have been created for many years ... then, probably, objectively, this leads to the fact that our relations with China are developing faster than what's left of relations with European countries, Lavrov said.

In a joint statement issued after the meeting, the two ministers said no country should seek to impose its form of democracy on any other.

Interference in a sovereign nation's internal affairs under the excuse of advancing democracy' is unacceptable," the statement said.

China says members of the Uyghur and other Muslim minority groups in Xinjiang have voluntarily taken part in job training and de-radicalization courses, denying charges that more than 1 million have been locked up in prison-like reeducation camps where they are forced to reject their native culture and pledge loyalty to the ruling Communist Party and its leader Xi Jinping. Media outlets, foreign governments and activist groups say abuses, including forced labour and coerced birth control, are ongoing.

China responded immediately Monday to the EU's move by imposing sanctions on 10 European individuals and four institutions that it said had damaged China's interests and maliciously spread lies and disinformation.

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