
What are happy endings anyway?

The long wait for the official day to celebrate love is finally over. But if you have now finally gotten exhausted searching for that perfect gift, we would ask you to do something mature and poke fun at the concept of love instead.

Go for Do You Really Love Me? The play is being staged in the Capital by theatre group Dramatech.  

The play is a dark comedy in English which looks at love from a different perspective and talks about loving and being loved. It deals with different sets of emotions connected with love and situations that a couple have to face.

It is not easy to express your feelings and lay your heart out in open.
Do You Really Love Me?
is a combination of two short plays and both of them highlight how difficult and hard it is to express your emotion and say these words to ‘the other half’, whether you are 17 or 70.

Act 1 is a light and simple presentation. It is a humourous piece that has dialogues between two old men — one a shy and hopeless bachelor and the other a player — on the art of impressing a woman. Act 2 on the other hand is the serious bit which experiments and explores the relationship dynamics between men and women at various stages of life.

When you talk about love, you think of all the fairytales and happy endings while skipping over the aspects that can actually make or break your relationship. The fights, the feeling of insecurity, the pain and hurt, it all tests your love and in a way, strengthens the bond between two people.

Talking about the play, Rahul Sachdeva, director, explains: ‘It is a different interpretation of love. It is not a sappy and mushy tale. It looks at love through a different dimension and presents a different edition of love and what it does to people in terms of insecurity, pain and other darker emotions.’

The play has been written by Naushil Mehta.

Don’t miss out on this interesting piece . Explore the other side of the love and by the time you are through watching the play, you will feel closer to your loved one, which as Rahul points out, is the objective of the play.


At: Shri Ram Centre, Safdar hashmi Marg, Mandi House
When: 14 February
Timings: 7pm for tickets, log on to:
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