
Vaccination after-care

If animals are not treated well in animal farms how do they produce such amounts of milk, meat etc?

Farm animals can be profoundly mistreated and still produce. Farm animals do not gain weight, lay eggs, and produce milk because they are comfortable, content, or well-cared for, but because they have been manipulated specifically to do these things through genetics, medications, and management techniques.

For example, cage layer producers artificially stimulate and extend egg production by keeping the lights burning for 16 or 17 hours a day to force the hen’s pituitary gland to secrete increased quantities of the hormone that activates the ovary. Cows are injected with oxytocin injections which force their uteri to contract and force milk out. Chickens are given hormone injections that make them grow so fat that their legs break .

Animals in production agriculture are slaughtered at extremely young ages as the drugs given don’t allow them to be very productive very long. Millions of individual animals suffer and die in intensive farming, but because the volume of animals being used is so big — in the billions — the losses are economically negligible, while the volume of flesh, milk and eggs is abnormally increased. 

Does India have a concept of therapy dogs?

I know one autistic school in Chennai ( CPR Centre) that uses dogs for therapy. There are many organisations like Animal Angels Foundation which have been providing this therapy service to many different client groups and have worked with children with developmental disabilities, seniors, cancer patients and individuals dealing with stress and related issues. 

Why do dogs get sensitive after vaccination?

Some dogs are allergic to vaccinations. Never give more than one vaccine in a day and leave weeks between the vaccines.  Adverse effects from vaccinations can vary with the type of vaccine used, and the age and breed of the animal vaccinated. Anaphylaxis is a rare, life-threatening, immediate allergic reaction to something ingested or injected. If untreated, it results in shock, respiratory and cardiac failure, and death. The most common symptoms of anaphylaxis are the sudden onset of diarrhoea, vomiting, shock, seizures, coma, and death. The animals’ gums will be very pale, and the limbs will feel cold. 

The heart rate is generally very fast, but the pulse is weak. There can be facial swelling. If you think your dog is having an anaphylactic reaction, seek emergency veterinary assistance immediately. Epinephrine should be given within a few minutes. IV fluids, oxygen, and other medications are given as needed. Anaphylactic reactions are more commonly associated with the use of vaccines such as rabies, canine coronavirus, and leptospirosis.

If your dog has ever had a reaction to a vaccine, antihistamines may be given prior to vaccination. Depending on the situation, your dog may need to remain in the veterinarian’s office for a period of 30 minutes to several hours. 

Once home, the dog should be kept under observation for several additional hours. Pain, swelling, redness, and irritation can occur at the injection site. These effects generally occur within 30 minutes to 1 week of the vaccination. If the signs persist or are severe, contact your veterinarian. Occasionally, abscesses can form at the injection site. These abscesses are generally not caused by infection, but by the body’s over-reaction to the vaccine.

Mild fever, decreased appetite, and depression may be observed for 1-2 days following vaccination, most commonly when modified live vaccines are used. The vaccination of pregnant animals with a modified live vaccine can result in birth defects or abortions. It is recommended that modified live vaccines never be given to pregnant animals.

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