
Caring for your bunny

Should rabbits be kept inside or outside the house?
Pros: The biggest pro of keeping rabbits inside is that they are safe from predators, harsh weather and parasites. Rabbits are great house companions and can stay happy in even the smallest home or apartment. They have sweet personalities and spending time with them can relax you.

When litter box trained in a properly rabbit proof house, they can be allowed to roam inside the house like a dog or cat (although most people still keep a cage or secure area for when they are not there to supervise).

Cons: Rabbits are very curious and their instincts tell them to dig, chew, burrow and explore. Destructive habits, like when they chew the cord off an expensive electronic item, burrow through your couch or chew up rugs, woodwork or furniture could be unwelcome in your house. They generally do well with cats and smaller dogs, but, every animal is different. If you are concerned about rabbit damage or finding random piles of poop on your rug, you are going to be more inclined to leave the rabbit bored- caged for days on end.

How to happily keep rabbits inside?
Prepare your home for rabbits as if you were bringing home a new baby. Secure cords out of the way and block access to areas like behind the couch where you might not want them to go. Rabbits are very social. If you don't think you can devote lots of time everyday to your rabbit consider getting a second rabbit. Provide your rabbit chewable things like, blocks of wood, commercial rabbit toys, paper towel tubes, wicker baskets, cardboard boxes, etc. Wild rabbits spend a lot of time digging & tunnelling. An indoor rabbit will enjoy plush cat tunnels, contractor tubes, a few boxes taped end to end. Provide them with some loose towels or old shirts to push around and burrow into. Give them some natural sisal mats to dig and tear apart. If your rabbit is kept busy mentally and physically in constructive ways, they will be less likely to take their boredom out on your furniture.

Only keep them outside if you have a safe and secure area. Outdoor rabbits with a proper enclosure can live a more natural life – digging, tunnelling, chewing to their hearts' content without damaging human property and enjoying the freedom of living in fresh air. Happy rabbits have plenty of room to run around and access to dirt for digging.

Cons – Protecting your rabbits from predators and harsh elements are the biggest challenges, and serious thought needs to be given to keep them safe. Safe and dry housing is important for rabbit, but, you also have to be prepared to tend to your rabbits in all types of weather. Your rabbit need social interaction, food, fresh unfrozen water and clean bedding. If keeping rabbits outside, you must be committed to attending to them every single day.

The first and most important step in keeping rabbits outdoors is to provide a large, predator proof area for them to live. You should have wire around the perimeter to stop animals from digging or chewing their way in, and the rabbits from digging out.

Use strong hardware cloth wire, not flimsy chicken wire. The rabbits should have a secure, weatherproof house that is at least 7 feet long, 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall. You should be able to lock them in the house at night when predator danger is highest and when away from home for an extended time. Rabbits that are housed outdoors should NEVER be kept alone. They are very social creatures and will be sad if stuck in an enclosure all by themselves, so giving them a bunny playmate is necessary.

How to make disposable temporary shelters for stray dogs during winters?
If bringing the animal home is not an option, you might be able to help him survive the cold by providing shelter such as a sturdy cardboard box lined with straw under some sort of shed. Put old towels and blankets, but, if they get wet remove them. Providing stray animals with fresh, clean food and water can help them survive the cold as they will save energy of scrounging up their dinner. A well-fed animal is better prepared to fight off illness and infection.

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