
Stand by the shepreneurs

While mothers being super sheroes is a universally acknowledged fact, there is a need to go beyond and recognise the urge to help them achieve home-life balance

Stand by the shepreneurs

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the incredible impact that mothers have on our lives. They are more than just our first caregivers; they are our first teachers, first responders, and first counsellors. Mothers shape our values, beliefs, personalities, and behaviours in countless ways that impact us for the rest of our lives.

However, what many people fail to recognise is that mothers are also ‘shepreneurs’. That’s right, every mother is an entrepreneur in her own right. From managing a household budget to running a household like a business, mothers possess many of the same skills and qualities that are essential for success in the business world. Mothers constantly seek ways to optimise their resources and create better outcomes for their loved ones, which are key traits of successful entrepreneurs. We owe them a debt of gratitude for all that they do.

So, whether you’re a mother or have a mother in your life, take a moment to recognize and appreciate the ‘shepreneur’ in your life. But first, who is a Shepreneur? The word Shepreneur is a portmanteau of “she” and “entrepreneur.” They are also sometimes called ‘mompreneurs’. It is a term used to describe a woman who is an entrepreneur.

Mothers are often compared to entrepreneurs because of their innate ability to manage their households like successful businesses. They are adept at multitasking, problem-solving, and making tough decisions for the well-being of their families. Mothers are the pillars of strength, love, and guidance in our lives, much like entrepreneurs who lead their teams with dedication and passion. All mothers are shepreneurs.

Qualities of a good entrepreneur: A strong foundation, vision, discipline, teamwork, crisis management, time management, delegation, innovation, negotiation, budgeting skills, emotional intelligence, and maintaining equilibrium are core skills for running a company and even a household.

* Your mother is a crisis management officer: There is always a crisis to be solved. From “Mom, where are my socks?”, to “Help, I haven’t finished my project.” Mothers are adept at being able to differentiate among mere issues, potential chaos, and crises-in-the-making and acting on them.

* Your mother is a conflict resolution and negotiation expert: “He did it; no, she did it.” Sounds familiar? Mompreneurs are constantly dealing with feuding kids at home. They are the go-to person for warring siblings and need to play the trusted impartial party who is fair in passing the final verdict that will restore peace.

* Your mom can delegate, multi-task, and manage time like a pro: This one’s a no-brainer. The best of B-schools cannot compete here. Mothers know how to get the work done. The secret superpower of motherhood lets them delegate, switch up two tasks at once, and work on schedules. So, whether it is the kid’s extracurriculars or their own work, keeping track of food, or planning outings, the mommies keep ticking tasks off the to-do list.

* Emotional support: Mom is the go-to source for being understood. Heightened empathy and emotional resilience are traits that many mothers resonate with.

* Networking and relationship building: She is the strong glue that holds the various relationships together.

* Your mother is the finance minister of your house. The budgeting of the house, ensuring that it runs smoothly on the resources, and saving up are as important as earning the bread.

* Vision for growth: Mothers are strong motivators in the lives of their children to help them envision a future. They also course-correct when needed.

While being a shepreneur may sound great on paper for your mother, there are many flipsides to constantly being on the go. Even the great corporate leaders struggle to keep a work-life balance; imagine how one can keep a home-life balance.

* Maternal mental health facts: It’s estimated that around 1 in 5 women experience a mental health condition during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth. The most common mental health conditions experienced by new mothers include anxiety and depression, which can have significant impacts on both the mother and her child. When left untreated, it can linger for years.

* Mom guilt: It is a common experience among mothers where they feel guilty or inadequate about their parenting decisions or actions. It can be a pervasive feeling of not doing enough or being good enough as a mother. Not everyone operates on the same bandwidth. Many mothers struggle with identifying with the role due to various causes, and need help.

* Mom rage: Outbursts of unmanaged emotions, often from having to do too much on their plates.

* Financial insecurity: The biggest downside may be that mothers may not have financial security. There is no raise, just an appraisal of all that is not done. The unpaid labour and the only payment are the love and happiness of others.

* No time for self: No down time or holidays, the constant toll of providing for others, and not much love for self.

This Mother’s Day, gift your shepreneur:

* Empowerment: encourage her to ask for what is rightfully hers. Whether that is downtime, praise, or just about anything,

* Finance: Help her become financially stable. Set up an account for her, get her insurance, and motivate her to start a side hustle if she doesn’t already have a full-time source of income.

* Gift of free time: Sometimes just let her be. Don’t keep demanding her time. She may love to spend time with you, but she needs some time by herself too.

* Gift of gratitude: Words of gratitude go a long way. Try it and see Mom beaming.

* Self-care concept: Most Indian mothers have no idea of “self” after they enter motherhood. Taking care of herself, prioritising herself, and indulging in self-care that she rightfully deserves for all that shepreneur does.

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