
‘Schumacher will remain an invalid for rest of his life’

Michael Schumacher ‘will remain an invalid for the rest of his life’, said leading medical expert Erich Riederer.

The F1 racing driver emerged from his coma on 16 June, yet numerous top medical practitioners have said since that his prognosis might not be as significant as some may have thought.
‘He will remain an invalid all his life and will always remain dependent on others’ help,’ said neurology specialist Riederer.

He added that Schumacher will have ‘permanent’ damage and that it will be a ‘success’ if he manages to sit up unaided within the next three months and operate an electric wheelchair within six months.

However, he said that his coma awakening was still ‘positive’. ‘It is an incredibly positive message when someone wakes up after being in a coma for half a year,’ he continued. ‘For him it is positive, but also for his family, this is hugely important.’ Earlier this week, Schumacher’s former doctor, Gary Hartstein, warned that the former F1 champion could be in a ‘minimally conscious state’.
His view reaffirms the words of medical experts, who said that only one in ten patients who spent so many months in a coma went on to recover all or most of their mental and physical capacities.
Schuamacher’s manager, Sabine Kehm, released a statement on 16 June, which said that ‘he is not in a coma anymore’ and will ‘continue his long phase of rehabilitation’.

He has since been moved from Grenoble university hospital in France to Lausanne hospital in Switzerland, nearer to this family home. The racing car driver suffered severe head injuries after a skiing accident in French ski resort, Meribel on 29 December 2013.
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