
No brains, all bust

History lesson - Ragini MMS was good. The fact that it had two actors, Kainaz Motivala and Rajkummar Rao, not too big for their boots (and boobs) and not playing to the gallery - Ragini MMS worked. It was a clichéd piece of a horror flick but it managed to adequately scare us.

Then comes Ragini MMS 2 and we are hoping and praying that this franchise doesn’t stray any further to a third installment in a terrible investment.

Sunny (Sunny Leone - why bother to give her character another name!) is hired by director (Parvin Dabas) who wants to put Ragini and Uday’s story (from Ragini MMS) on celluloid and wants to up the hotness quotient. Ergo - here comes Sunny (all puns intended). Sunny visits Ragini in the mental asylum where she is and then comes Kainaz Motivala’s five-minutes to fame in this sequel to her scare-fest.

The motley crew of actors that includes Sandhya Mridul, Karan Mehra (in rather funny caricatures of overtly ‘enthu’ actors) and psychiatrist (Divya Dutta) head over to the cursed house in the middle of nowhere to shoot. And since we have been bored sufficiently, the scare fest begins.

Interrupted consistently by a moaning, heaving, gyrating and sometimes (fake) climaxing Sunny. And like all recent horror films, the high drama ends with an exorcism.

As you can see, we have successfully managed to wrap up describing a two-hour-plus horror film in exactly two paragraphs. That is how ‘cool’ (or hot) the movie actually is.

We aren’t going to mince words, don’t watch this movie. If you are VERY bored and want an update on some sexy lingerie, then sure. Otherwise stay at home and watch older horror films from  Hollywood - The Conjuring and The Blair Witch Project - two films this hack job has heavily borrowed from.
However, giving credit where is due - Sunny looks incredible. She has no qualms about being ‘in her skin’ and director Bhushan Patel uses that talent to the hilt. The other actors just ham around. We really wonder why Divya Dutta must be part of such utter nonsense, even Parvin Dabas for that instance!

When you cast an adult actor in a horror movie with no story, we do assume that you are more than aware of the lack of plot and logic and therefore a ‘sexy’ distraction is the need of the two-plus-hours that you hope to keep the audience in. Our sincere sympathies.

99 percent of the audience were there to watch Sunny. They watched Sunny. And you can watch Sunny at home on high-speed internet. 
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