
Most Thais happy with military rule: Survey

Most Thais are happy and relieved that they do not have to worry about their safety anymore after the military junta took over administration of the country over a month ago, a poll showed here.

The survey conducted by Suan Dusit Poll on 2,091 people last week found that 88.5 per cent of respondents were happier seeing peace in the country and many problems being solved.
Some 68 per cent said they had returned to normal life. The survey found that 93.5 per cent of the respondents enjoyed a ‘better atmosphere’ at home and didn’t worry about the safety of their family anymore. While 79 per cent said they had more time to do activities with their family after office hours or school, around 90 per cent of the respondents were happy among their friends and relatives as they had parties and were not serious about the national situation.

About 85 per cent said they listened more to one another, and 68 per cent said they experienced a feeling of unity. Meanwhile, another opinion survey found that the majority of the citizens blamed political conflict for the country’s lagging development. Conducted among 2,158 people, the Master Poll survey found that some 80.6 per cent of respondents blamed corruption as a reason for country’s lack of development.
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