
Mapping the states of India - Page 2

Tricolour over the Islands

18 Dec 2021 11:24 PM IST
Even after the official handover of the islands to the INA, Japanese — who had occupied those from the British — were known to have inflicted...

Nancowry and the copra traders

11 Dec 2021 9:48 PM IST
After the Danish failed to settle in Nicobar, the islands eventually went to the British who would turn Nancowry into a trade hotspot — allowing copra...

The jail economy

5 Dec 2021 12:24 AM IST
With its full-fledged management apparatus, led by Eurasians and sustained by incentivised ‘convict settlers’, Andaman Islands had developed a...

Downsized existence

28 Nov 2021 12:07 AM IST
Owing to the ‘market policy’ of the penal colony, and superior treatment given to the ‘royal’ Eurasian and European prisoners, indigenous convicts...

An island for 'convicts'

21 Nov 2021 12:44 AM IST
Strategically important and resource-rich Andaman Islands, confirmed for penal settlements by the British, received a major fillip post-1857...

Contested frontiers

14 Nov 2021 12:48 AM IST
The Assam-Mizoram land conflict is an outgrowth of two conflicting notions on boundary — demarcations shaped by natural factors and compartmentalised...

Insurgency to integration

6 Nov 2021 10:46 PM IST
While the Mizo Union wanted a separate state from Assam within India and the MNF took to violent means for a sovereign state, the eventual outcome was...

A reformulated demand

30 Oct 2021 10:58 PM IST
Imposition of Assamese language throughout the region proved to be the trigger point for a transition from the longstanding demand for an effective...

A bumpy path to statehood

24 Oct 2021 1:36 AM IST
The sophisticated road to the formation of Manipur state in 1972 had been made challenging on account of faulty interpretation of the Indian...

Tripura's tribal identities

17 Oct 2021 12:13 AM IST
Immigration of politically conscious Bengalis into Tripura after the independence through India’s ‘most porous’ border, and then the exodus of Chakmas...

Through political settlement

9 Oct 2021 11:12 PM IST
Against SRC’s argument of having united frontiers, demands for autonomy by moderate faction of Nagas culminated into carving out of Nagaland from...

Disintegration of Assam

3 Oct 2021 1:18 AM IST
Demand for a hill state on account of discontent between highlanders and plainsmen, coupled with the British need to establish buffer at frontiers,...
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