Short-film directed by CMOH released in Balurghat
BALURGHAT: A short-film titled Vookatta Voo, which was produced by the district Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr Sukumar Dey, was released at Balurghat Natyatirtha on Saturday evening.
Speaking exclusively to Millennium Post, Dr Dey, who has also acted in the film, said that it is entirely based on the social dilemma of middle-class people and conveys a message at the end.
Answering a question on why the team of Vookatta Voo had chosen Balurghat for outdoor shooting, Dr Dey said: "Balurghat being a city of theatre has rich cultural heritage and enormous prospect of independent filmmaking."
The director of the film Gopa Ganguly said: "Through this film we are trying to find out an answer-- who is originally the best on humanitarian aspect? A meritorious student who settles abroad after completing his higher education ignoring his social responsibilities or a person who is an average one but never neglects his duties and responsibility."