
CEO speaks: Future Career Ready: Embracing AI across graduate programmes

CEO speaks: Future Career Ready: Embracing AI across graduate programmes

With the announcement of the Class XII results across various boards in the country, a new wave of excitement and anticipation sweeps through the minds of students ready to embark on their next academic journey. For many, the desire is strong to explore the realms of humanities, arts, commerce, social sciences and the pure and applied sciences. However, what remains constant across all fields is the ever-expanding presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), reshaping the landscape of education and industry alike.

In the past, AI was often associated solely with the realm of technology. However, today, its influence extends far beyond, permeating every facet of our lives including the fields traditionally considered non-technical. As per the Future of Jobs Report, 2023 by the WEF, the job market for non-technical graduates is rapidly evolving as AI becomes integral across various sectors. Traditionally non-technical fields such as arts, social sciences, and commerce are increasingly leveraging AI for enhanced decision-making, creativity, and efficiency. Graduates with AI knowledge and skills are finding new opportunities in roles like data analysts, digital marketers, AI ethicists, and UX designers, where understanding AI applications is a significant advantage. In fact, as per the report, the largest single growth driver for jobs shall be big data and AI adoption across sectors. Traditional roles in fields such as HR, vanilla accounting etc. shall soon be irrelevant. In the future, the demand for professionals who can bridge the gap between AI technology and their specific domains will become fundamental--creating a dynamic and interdisciplinary job market.

Let’s just look around us and observe the transformative power of this new technology. There is no field of human knowledge or endeavour that has, or shall, remain untouched. A few examples:


Music Composition: AI algorithms can compose music by analysing vast amounts of existing compositions and creating new melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.

Digital Content Creation: AI-powered tools like deep learning-based image and video editing software are enabling artists to manipulate and enhance digital content with greater efficiency and creativity.

Social Sciences

Sentiment Analysis: AI techniques are used to analyse large volumes of social media data to understand public opinion, sentiment, and trends.

Behavioural Analysis: AI algorithms can analyse human behaviour patterns, helping psychologists and sociologists gain insights into social dynamics, personality traits, and decision-making processes.

Policy Analysis: AI-powered data analytics tools assist policymakers in analysing complex social issues, predicting outcomes of policy interventions, and formulating evidence-based strategies.

Pure Sciences

Drug Discovery: AI is accelerating the drug discovery process by predicting the effectiveness and safety of potential drug candidates based on molecular structures and biological data.

Particle Physics: AI algorithms are used to analyse large datasets from particle colliders like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to discover new particles and phenomena.

Astrophysics: AI techniques are employed to analyse astronomical data, such as identifying celestial objects, classifying galaxies, and detecting gravitational waves.


Data Analysis: AI algorithms are utilised for statistical analysis, data mining, and pattern recognition, enabling mathematicians to extract insights from large datasets and discover hidden patterns.

Optimisation: AI optimisation algorithms are used to solve complex mathematical optimisation problems in various fields, including operations research, finance, and engineering.


Predictive Analytics: AI-powered predictive analytics tools help businesses forecast demand, optimise pricing strategies, and identify potential risks and opportunities.

Customer Relationship Management: AI-driven CRM systems analyse customer interactions and behaviour to personalize marketing campaigns, improve customer satisfaction, and increase sales.

Supply Chain Management: AI algorithms optimise supply chain operations by predicting demand, managing inventory levels, and optimising logistics and distribution networks.

These examples illustrate how AI is revolutionising diverse academic fields by enabling new capabilities, insights, and efficiencies.

In response to the transformative impact of AI across diverse sectors, Indian educational institutions are proactively adapting their curricula to incorporate AI concepts into various academic disciplines. For instance, various IITs and IIMs have introduced specialised courses in AI and machine learning, even for their science students. IISER Pune has established research groups focused on AI applications in chemistry, physics, and biology, fostering interdisciplinary research collaborations. IISc offers an MTech in AI, where pure science students are eligible. Moreover, universities such as DU, JNU, Mumbai University and even our own SNU are offering integrated as well as elective courses in AI, allowing students from humanities and sciences backgrounds to explore AI applications in their respective fields. Additionally, collaborative efforts with organizations like NASSCOM facilitate faculty development programs, enabling educators to effectively incorporate AI into teaching practices.

As you embark on your academic journey, embrace the challenge of learning AI concepts across diverse disciplines, for in doing so, you are not just acquiring knowledge but unlocking doors to innovation and transformation. With each course, projects, and internship, seize the chance to understand and shape the future. Remember, you are the architects of tomorrow, equipped with the skills and resilience to harness the potential of AI and lead us towards a brighter, more inclusive, and technologically advanced world. So, embrace the journey, embrace the possibilities, and let your passion for learning and discovery fuel your path to success in the AI-driven era!

The author is the Group CEO of Techno India Group, a visionary and an educator. Beyond his corporate role, he is also a mentor who guides students towards resilience and self-discovery

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