Jessica walks three miles to stay in shape
BY IANS4 Dec 2015 9:45 PM GMT
IANS4 Dec 2015 9:45 PM GMT
Singer-fashion designer Jessica Simpson has revealed she walks three miles a day with her husband and children to stay in shape.
“I walk 3 miles a day. Eric (Johnson) and I love taking the kids out for long walks in the neighborhood, chasing them around our yard is a work out all its own!,” she said. “A lot of walking, squats and uphill lunges as well as isolated resistance exercises with bands, kettlebells, and the Bosu keep my legs toned and lean.”
The mother of two, 35, who launched an active wear line, said maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important for her, reported E!Online.
“Fitness has been a priority in my life since having my kids. Everything we do in the line comes from an organic place. It’s exiting to be sharing a true performance line it’s a blend of great active features, technology and fashion.”
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