
Jason Biggs sorry for joke on Malaysia Airlines plane crash

The Kuala Lumpur-bound Malaysia Airlines MH17 passenger plane crashed Thursday near the Russian border, in eastern Ukraine's Donestsk region, with all the 298 passengers and crew members on board reportedly killed. 

Multiple reports suggest the jet, which was carrying 295 people, was shot down.
Shortly after news of the incident broke, Biggs tweeted: ‘Anyone wanna buy my Malaysian Airlines frequent flier miles?’

He added: ‘In all seriousness, tho (though)- How Do You Mistakenly Shoot Down A Commercial Plane?! Ugh... It's saddest for the victims and their families, obviously. But Malaysia Airlines is apparently a Great airline. Gonna be tough to recover.’

After a barrage of tweets from angry followers poured in, the American Pie star took to the micro-blogging site hours later to offer his apologies for the posts, reports
He wrote: ‘Hey all - ok, so - I am deleting my previous tweets.’

‘People were offended, and that was not my intent. Sorry to those of you that were.’
‘This is obviously a horrible tragedy, and everyone - including myself - is sad and angry about it.’
‘Sending positive thoughts to the victims and their families.’

 ‘P.S. No one is making me send these tweets- I simply understand that my comments might have come off as insensitive and ill-timed. For that, I truly apologize,’ he added. 
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