
Israel now denies Gaza ceasefire deal with Hamas

Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told a group of diplomats that ‘the reports of a ceasefire, are far from representing reality. I spoke with the Prime Minister, and as of now they are incorrect’.
Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said the group ‘denies’ any deal reached regarding an additional calm. Moshir Al-Masri, a spokesperson for the Islamic Jihad, the second most prominent militant group in Gaza, also denied the deal.

‘Reports of calm between resistance forces in Gaza and the occupation under Egyptian brokerage are Israeli propaganda. We have yet to receive any confirmation (of our demands) from the Egyptians,’ Al-Masri said.

According to a BBC report, apparently also confirmed to some other news agencies by an Israeli official, the ceasefire would come into effect at 6 AM (local time) tomorrow. ‘There is an agreement for a ceasefire beginning tomorrow.

I believe it is 6 in the morning (0300 GMT),’ an Israeli official had reportedly said on condition of anonymity. Israel and Hamas had agreed to a humanitarian ceasefire for five hours on Thursday at a UN request but Gaza based militants did not completely keep their promise firing three rockets on Israel which did not cause any casualty.

The one fatality on the Israeli side so far was a man killed on Monday after being hit by a mortar shell at the Erez border crossing.

Meanwhile, Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Hamas have denied earlier reports of a truce deal to end fighting in Gaza between Israel and Palestinian militants.
Lieberman said the reports were ‘as of now incorrect’, and Hamas, which controls Gaza, said talks in Egypt were ongoing.

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas was to meet Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Thursday amid intensifying efforts to end the fighting in Gaza, Egypt’s presidency announced.
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