
I don’t keep Charlie away from kids: Denise

The 42-year-old took to microblogging website Twitter Monday to reply to a fan's query about the report, reports

‘That’s actually not true. I don’t know why he feels the need to do this publicly. I don’t keep him away from our kids,’ Richards tweeted.

‘You done ranting? Keep it classy dude. Our kids don’t need to be privy to this, you are welcome to spend X’mas with us. Hope you still come,’ she posted in a tweet directed to Sheen.

‘You were and are welcome to see them. I never asked for your plane. We love you. Please for our kids stop this,’ she added.

According to an earlier report, Sheen was angry because he could not exchange gifts with his daughters, Sam, nine, and Lola, eight.

‘Let me see if I got this straight, you won’t even spring the girls for 30 minutes, from the 10 mile house I gave you, 100 yards away, to come down and open the gifts their dad bought them before they leave,’ he texted Richards.

The report further read that the Anger Management star went to Richards’ home to deliver the gifts and even pleaded her to change her mind, but she refused. ‘This is the worst X’mas I’ve ever had,’ he reportedly said. Sheen and Richards parted ways in 2006.
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