Prabhat Roy receives ‘Special Honour For Lifetime Achievement’ award

‘Shyam Sundar Co Jewellers’ presented ‘A Special Honour For Lifetime Achievement’ award to eminent filmmaker, Prabhat Roy, at a fitting event that was held at Hotel Hindustan International, Kolkata, on August 4.
‘Special Honour For Lifetime Achievement’ award was instituted to celebrate star achievers from different walks of life who have single-mindedly dedicated themselves to work on their chosen sphere - devoting their entire lifetime to the cause - making significant strides, crossing landmark milestones, contributing largely in that direction and inspiring others to rise and shine as well.
The recipient of this year’s special honour is eminent filmmaker Prabhat Roy, the man behind many films, notably ‘Shwet Pathorer Thala’ and ‘Lathi’, that have been commercially successful at the box office, received critical acclaim and won awards - including two national awards - for excellence in filmmaking.
Doing the honours were reigning Tollywood superstar Prasenjit Chatterjee and Bollywood actor Sachin, who joined the director of ‘Shyam Sundar Co Jewellers’, Rupak Saha, in presenting the honour on stage to Prabhat Roy.
“I am delighted to receive this ‘Special Honour For Lifetime Achievement’ and I take this opportunity to thank ‘Shyam Sundar Co Jewellers’ for this noble initiative and wish them all the best in their dedication to the promotion of art and culture,” said Prabhat Roy, who happily accepted the honour.
Rupak Saha said, “We have always taken our pursuit of excellence beyond the four walls of the jewellery showrooms to celebrate all the glitter and glow in our society and all that is really precious in our lives and time. This ‘Special Honour For Lifetime Achievement’ is really very special for us because by felicitating extraordinary achievers like Prabhat Roy, we feel blessed by the glow of their knowledge, experience and presence.”
The star-studded event ended with a standing ovation for the man who will always occupy a special place in Bengali cinema’s Hall of Fame.