Importance of business visiting card in numerology

After building or registering our new company, the first thing we should do is make our business visiting cards. But according to numerology business cards, we are getting a hefty amount of money slip right through our hands by just handing out our business cards that don’t have any sales effect on our company. With the help and guidance of business card numerology, we can design our visiting cards which can evolve our businesses.
Business visiting cards are used every day but still, most businessmen and entrepreneurs don’t give much thought to designing them. Most people consider a business visiting card as just a piece of little paper on which their name and their company details are printed.
Business card numerology: Numerology is a system for interpreting numbers along with alphabets. We will get fantastic information through the interpretation of numbers by the expert. An attractive and eye-catching business card can be an important thing, but it can be more helpful if numerology concepts are added to the design. The emotion-evoking elements on our business cards also make our brand recognisable.
Importance of business visiting cards as per numerology: Connecting people via digital tools is practically impersonal. A card may be a small piece of paper, but that small piece of paper is a key ingredient in our marketing strategy. As a business person, one should understand the significance of developing relationships with professional contacts. In the digital era, the focus is more on paperless communication.
Approximately 72 percent of people say that they judge the company or brand that a person works for based on the quality of their business cards. Likewise, 39 percent of those who responded to a survey said that they would choose not to do business with someone if they had a ‘cheap looking’ business card.
Important elements in designing business cards as per numerology
• Shape and size of the card
• Colours in the card
• Type of font
• Placement of various information on the card
Here are some points to design a visiting card with the right business card numerology:
• Cards are classified into two types - horizontal and vertical cards. A horizontal card mainly indicates the stability of our business. On the other hand, the vertical card indicates the success and growth of our company.
• Each colour symbolises a different element like fire, earth, water, wind and space. The colour of our business card and logo will affect the success of our business. If we pick the right colour to represent our business, then we will have more success.
• The design of business visiting cards should be according to our business element and profession. For example, if we work in furniture, education, hospital or design studio, then our element is wood. If we work in real estate, financial or accounting business, then our business element is earth.
• The choice of colour depends on our business. For example, the colours green and blue are very calming, so if we’re in a business related to pharmaceuticals, we should use these colours. Use yellow and brown colours for construction industries as it indicates earth elements.
• The company logo is one of the most important parts of our business visiting card. We must not use sharp points in the logo because such logos attract negative energy and have an adverse effect on our business. Also, we should avoid using spikes, knives and swords for our logos.
• The names of our companies should be in bigger and bolder fonts. Indicate the truthfulness, honesty and strength of the company. We must make sure that our names should follow the name of our companies. This signifies the authenticity of the business.
• Our business cards should be designed with rounded and curved shapes. The business card should authenticate the type of our business. The front of the card should be readable and give correct information.
• The most important part of our business card is the logo. The logo should be in the northeast or South-east direction. The South or South-west direction should be used to list our names and designations.
The bottom of our business visiting cards is used for additional and less important information.
Essential parts of a business visiting card as per numerology
• Name of individual as well as designation
• Name of business
• Address
• Phone number
• Email address
• Website
• Tagline
• Description of business
Benefits of business card numerology
• It builds a brand. Business cards are a visual representation of our brand
• It adds a personal touch
• The exchange of business cards has the advantage of personal eye contact. It mostly converts a new beginning into a real relationship
• It is the quickest as well as a direct medium of contact
• Presenting a perfectly designed card gives people a chance of people share our business cards with their personal network
• Always have a pocket full of business cards at all times. It shows that we are well-prepared as well as focused professional or businessman
• It rather creates a solid first impression
• The business card is an economical and effective tool for direct business promotion
• Our business cards visually represent the business’s identity
Colours: Colours representing earth elements like yellow and brown are more suitable for construction industries whereas the same colours can’t be used for water-related business.
Action: It is very important to keep our business cards clean, impressive and also clear to give people a good first impression. If one needs help creating the perfect business card as per numerology, then one can get professional help to get their business cards designed as per numerology.
So, the next time people are thinking about how to choose the perfect business card, then they can consider the numerological implications and choose the one that aligns with their personalities and overall vibes.
(Rakhhi Jain is a professional numerologist, Vastu consultant and general counsellor from Mumbai, India. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +91 9594888515, +91 9136910156. ‘Instagram’ handle: numerologybyrakhejain. Facebook handle: Numerology By Rakhe Jain)