Credai Bengal re-elects its President
The 29th annual general meeting of Credai Bengal was held September 19 in Kolkata. Nandu Belani, Chairman, Belani Group was re-elected as the state President of Credai Bengal for the year 2018 – 19.
On being re-elected as the President, Belani expressed his gratitute to all the members of Credai for re-electing him.
"It has been a great pleasure and privilege to work for the Association and for all my fellow real estate stakeholders having a blend of experience and youth, for the past two years."
"I will continue to work for the upliftment and further growth of the industry with your support, co-operation and best wishes," he promised on ending his speech.
Members of the Managing and Executive committee were also announced at the event.
Also, a year-book titled 'Milestones', which is a compiling events and activities of the association was launched at the end of the programme.