Was ‘tarred and feathered’ after film ‘Luck’ flopped: Imran Khan

Former actor Imran Khan, who recently returned to public life after spending several years under the radar, spoke about his career in a new interview. He didn’t sugarcoat his feelings about the film ‘Luck’, even as he admitted that he has gained a new perspective on the movie because of how others view it.
In an interview on the ‘IFP YouTube’ channel, Imran didn’t have too many kind things to say about ‘Luck’, which was released in 2009. He said that his resurgence began with an ‘Instagram’ post about the film and that he didn’t expect to get the kind of response that he did.
“When the film was released, it was a disaster. They tarred and feathered me. They took me out back to shoot me behind the latrines for taking part in such a horrible film,” he said. Briefly checking himself, he continued, “To hear someone say ‘woohoo’ about the film is weird. I assume you’re not being facetious.”