Simply Complex
Directed by Atanu Mukherjee, Rukh is an intriguing, suspenseful, and realistic film which revolves around a son who can feel the strength from his father but also feels the misery his mother is going through. It is the circumstances his family endures that sees him attempting to unravel the truth about his father's death.
BY Agencies21 Oct 2017 7:37 PM IST
Agencies21 Oct 2017 7:37 PM IST
Team Rukh — director Atanu Mukherjee and actors Manoj Bajpayee and Adarsh Gourav — tease their upcoming film in a conversation with team Box Office India
BOI: Rukh's trailer looks intriguing. What inspired you to make a film like this?
Atanu Mukherjee (AM): The primary reference was from real characters and situations around us. That is what initially motivated me to develop the story and as we kept on developing, we made it more fiction than fact.
BOI: Manoj and Adarsh, talking about your characters, whose has real-life references and how relatable were they for you both?
Adarsh Gourav (AG): To start with, while my character has grown up in Mumbai, I came to the city in 2007. So, in that sense, I could relate to the characters. In the places where I couldn't relate to the characters, I decided to speak to my friends. Something happens in the film due to which my character is sent to a boarding school. I gathered information from my friends about their boarding school experiences. That helped me understand how that changed my character's perception towards life, how the distance from his family changed his opinion towards them. That's how I started preparing for the film.
Manoj Bajpayee (MB): I come from a middle-class family and the problems that middle-class families go through is not only a problem of the family that we are showing in the film. This is a common problem faced by each and every middle class family in their day-to-day lives. The struggle is always on. It starts from getting up in the morning till the time one goes off to sleep. There is not a single moment where the family isn't facing the difficulties of survival; it is all about surviving the next moment. Some families crumble and some don't. This family is trying very hard to keep afloat in troubled waters.
Adarsh plays the son where he feels strength from his father but also feels the misery his mother is going through. This has also affected his school life. It is the circumstances his family endures that sees him attempting to unravel the truth about the death of his father. It is intriguing, suspenseful, full of realism in terms of relationships, friendships, conflicts and betrayal.
BOI: Manoj, what is that one thing about the role that made you decide that you had to be a part of this film?
MB: It is the script. Koi aadmi aise kaise likh sakta hai? There is so much simplicity in it. It is something that anybody can read and understand. Yet, he talks of such complex things in a relationship, a middle class family, his life. He is also trying to tell the story of a mature father-son relationship. In this one single story, many complex relationships are explored with a lot of suspense, drama and intrigue. That is why I wanted to be a part of this film. Adarsh is playing the main lead and we're playing the secondary roles, but I wanted this film to be a part of my career.
BOI: How was the dynamic on the sets?
MB: We were serious while shooting but we had our own share of fun and jokes going around. I like to relax on set because the subject is very complicated. It needs a lot of focus and attention. I keep pulling everybody's leg. That is my time pass!
AG: I think Manoj sir was the first villain I saw on-screen in Satya.
MB (cuts in): That was not a villain, by the way!
AG: Okay, it was the first gangster I saw. Although I was too young to understand what the film was about, his work was so realistic and powerful, it impacted me, deeply. I was very nervous when I found out that I was playing Manoj sir's son, because I had Sardar Khan and Bhiku Mhatre on my mind. When I met him, I realised he is such an easy person to work with. He makes you feel extremely comfortable. He never made me feel that I'm working with such a big actor. I got to learn so much from him. Even at this age, he gets up at five in the morning.
MB (cuts in): At this age? I am not 70!
AG: What I mean is a person with so much experience is still so dedicated to his work. And it is very inspiring to work with people like him. I think he treats every film like it's his first. It is a big learning curve for somebody like me who has just started his career. Atanu is very clear and focused about what he wants.
MB (cuts in): He is not even on social media. So focused.
AM: He is just behind me to get on social media.
AG: Yeah, we all want that. I think it is very important for an actor to not be confused when playing a part. Even before the film started, I was so sure what Atanu wanted. We were both on the same page.
BOI: Atanu, did you always have Manoj on your mind for this project?
AM: Yes, he was my first choice. Even when I was writing the script, I wanted to meet him and pitch the film.
MB (Cuts in): You better give me the lead role in the next one!
AM: Sure! So then I got in touch with him and narrated the story. We had shot a small clip as a treatment scene and I realised that he kind of liked it. Obviously, he wanted to read the script. He was quite interested to come on board. That was a very exciting moment for me. I wasn't expecting that. He was my first choice and he said yes to me.
BOI: Being a first-time director, did it make you feel nervous to work with an actor of Manoj's calibre?
AM: Initially, yes, I was nervous. But then, we met a couple of times during the reading sessions. We began understanding each other. I understood his interpretation of the story. So that made us comfortable.
BOI: Since this film deals with a sensitive issue, was it sometimes emotionally draining? Was it difficult to come out of that zone?
AG: Absolutely. I feel there are some scenes where you need to invest a lot. There are different ways of doing it. Once you are off set, you go back home. It is quite refreshing. Returning home, for me, was a breather to be myself again. It gave me an extra boost of energy to go back to set the next day. Even though the scenes were emotionally tiring, I had an incredible time doing them.
MB: There are two sequences where I felt I was just there. Some magic happened. It is one of those times when you are completely in the zone and your co-actor is also in the zone. There is a scene where I am talking to my wife, where she is worried about some family problems. They might have to sell everything; I still remember some magic happened during that scene. My co-star, Smitha Tambe and I were simultaneously in the same zone. Another such scene was with Kumud Mishra, where I am bewildered about how to deal with a friend's betrayal. I just hit him with my finger while enacting the scene.
AM: These are the scenes where you, as a real person, go through the same thing as the character. The mental status is similar. The scene with Kumudji and Manojji and the scene with his wife reveal the involvement of the actors.
MB: In the shot, I just nudged him with my finger. It was immense betrayal I experienced as the character. Kumud actually felt the pain when I hit him in the scene. I didn't mean to hurt him though.
AM: Everything was improvised. I remember Manojji telling me, 'I feel like doing it, so let's just do it.'
BOI: What are each of your projects in the pipeline?
AM: I am developing a couple of more ideas.
MB: Only develop the idea which has me for the lead role!
AG: I was in drama school for a year, so I was writing stuff and directing plays there, apart from acting in them. I wrote a play called Aiyyo Raju and I am taking that play to Thespo. We keep making short films as well.
MB: I have Aiyyari, Baaghi 2 and two international films, Love Sonia and In The Shadows (Gaali Guliyaan) coming up. According to me, Gaali Guliyaan is my best performance so far and it has created a lot of buzz. I will also shoot for a film Bhosle, which I am co-producing. I have been looking for a producer for four years to make this film. It is slightly controversial which is why it is difficult to find a producer. It is about an old man, who, after retirement, does not want to
return to Mumbai.
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