
Not easy to swim against the tide in Bollywood: Emraan

New Delhi: Bollywood star Emraan Hashmi says it is paramount for him to keep reinventing and breaking out of an established image even at the risk of failure.

The 40-year-old actor, who started with a series of commercial movies, has shown his versatility with out-of-the-box choices such as Shanghai, Tigers and

Netflix Original series 'Bard of Blood'.

"It's important to be just completely dedicated and zoned in on what you're doing. I always try to have a novel experience with each film I do. But it hasn't been easy because when you are known for a particular cinema, and you want to venture out and try something new, in our industry, it is like swimming against the tide," told Emraan in an interview.

"There is a risk of things not working out and I'm okay with that because I know I'm excelling at a point where I am trying different subjects and characters.

I think that's what's important,"

he added.

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