
'Most correct thing should be done'

Most correct thing should be done

Actors Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha were among the latest Bollywood celebrities to react to the ongoing protests by farmers against the three farm laws.

The issue had picked up steam after international music star Rihanna and Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg threw their weight behind the farmers.

"The right thing should be done. The most correct thing should be done. The most noble thing should be done," said the 'Dabanng' star. On the other hand, Sonakshi addressed certain issues through a series of 'Instagram' posts.

"The voices raised are about the violation of human rights, suppressions of free internet and expression, state propaganda, hate speech and abuse of power," wrote the 'Akira' star.

Sinha also talked about a few more issues that include the harassment of journalists and the ban on the internet. She further added how the protesters were being vilified through the media and state propaganda.

In her another post, Sonakshi stated that hate speech had flourished and that the issue had taken a global center stage.

"To re-iterate, news tonight will try to paint a picture that 'outside forces' are trying to meddle in the functioning of our country. Please do not give in to that narrative. It is human, standing up for

other humans. That

is the narrative," said she.

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