
Matt leaves Robert exhausted on 'The Batman' shoot

Matt leaves Robert exhausted on   The Batman shoot

Hollywood actor Robert Pattinson, known for 'Twilight' franchise, is pretty much working way too hard ever since director Matt Reeves started pushing him to his limits during the ongoing shoot of the upcoming DC superhero film 'The Batman'.

The filming process has turned out as a gruelling process, with the director making Robert do over 50 takes, thus leaving him exhausted, reported ''.

"Filming has been a gruelling process, especially for Robert, as Matt is such a perfectionist. He will insist on doing scenes over and over again and get bogged down in the tiny detail. Sometimes, it is like he does not know when to stop," said a source.

The source continued: "Matt has done block­busters before, but this is another level. Batman is arguably the most popular superhero of all and by the time the film is released it will be the Dark Knight's first solo movie in 10 years."

"'Warner Bros' cannot afford for the fan-base to be disappointed and have thrown 90 million pounds at the film. No one is denying that this is a high stakes production and that Matt is feeling the pressure to get it right. But Robert has had a tough time on these franchise movies before. He hated 'Twilight' by the time it wrapped and the last thing anyone wants is for him to become jaded," added the insider.

The Coronavirus pandemic has had quite an impact on 'The Batman', due to which its release was pushed. Its production was scrapped this March and was suspended once again after the 'Tenet' star caught the virus. Filming reportedly was hit with yet another setback in November when a stuntman had tested positive for COVID-19.

"All these setbacks have made Matt paranoid about catching the virus. It is got to the point now where he has been directing scenes while zipped up inside a puffa coat and with ski goggles on. As a Coronavirus-secure outfit, it is questionable. But if it makes him feel more at ease, everyone is going with it," said the source.

The film also stars actors like Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, Peter Sarsgaard and John Turturro.

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