
Lena Dunham suffering from fibromyalgia

Los Angeles: Actor-writer Lena Dunham revealed Sunday that she is suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS).

In a lengthy Instagram post, the "Girls" creator gave an account of FMS, a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body.

Dunham pointed out that the pain worsened after watching Dr Christine Blasey Ford's testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee about the alleged sexual assault that she had experienced.

"On the day after Dr Ford's testimony I awoke with a start at 3am. It felt like every cell in my neck was singing. My ankles and wrists were weak and my fingers didn't do their assigned job. Yesterday I felt like I was suspended in gel, and when I meditated a line of pain zipped from my neck to my foot," she wrote.

The 32-year-old actor highlighted that the causes of fibromyalgia are little known, which makes the condition difficult to cure.

"This is fibromyalgia. It's little understood and so even though I have a lot of knowledge and support it's hard to shake the feeling I am crazy. But I'm not (at least not this way!) and you're not.

"Your pain, whatever shape it takes, is yours and so it is real. I believe you when you say you hurt. I have learned time and time again how important it is to believe."

Last year, a Netflix documentary was released called "Gaga: Five Foot Two", which highlighted the singer's experiences with fibromyalgia.

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