
It's okay not to be okay

Sunday afternoon saw a much needed live online talk 'It's Okay Not To Be Okay', presented by Caring Minds in association with CC&FC. Hosted by psychotherapist Minu Budhia (Founder, Caring Minds) and Preeyam Budhia (Head, New Initiatives), it was an immersive and interactive session that dispelled many myths, misconceptions, and stereotypes about mental healthcare while focussing on depression and suicide.

In her welcome address, Minu Budhia said, "Every 40 seconds, someone, somewhere in the world, dies by suicide. Also, for each suicide, there are more than 20 suicide attempts. Depression and suicide should not be taken lightly." She also added that the World Health Organisation (WHO) describes depression as "…an illness characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities, for at least two weeks."

Speaking about the event, Preeyam Budhia said, "Health 360 includes both physical and mental wellbeing. We are focussed on breaking the stigma surrounding mental healthcare and helping people understand that mental health is an essential part of general wellness."

Dinyar Mucadum, President – CCFC said that a great initiative taken by Mrs Budhia and her daughter Preeyam from Caring Minds. Especially given the peer pressures, competition and social media we are living under. "At CCFC we are always open to discussion on issues like depression and related matters and would encourage more open minded discussions," he said.

Mental health professionals Dr Rajarshi Neogi (Psychiatrist) and Megha Rathi (Psychologist) answered multiple pertinent questions posed by the hosts as well as a number of questions that came from the online audience across multiple platforms.

The session highlighted the importance of accepting oneself, just as we are, and encouraged people to understand that there is no shame in seeking help.

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