
'I didn't agree with a lot of choices'

Los Angeles: Actor John Boyega has admitted he was not completely on board with some of the creative decisions made by Rian Johnson during the making on 2017's Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

The Last Jedi, a follow-up to 2015's The Force Awakens, had received criticism from fans for killing a key character of the long-running franchise, along with its story.

Mark Hamill had also seemingly criticised the movie and the director regarding the treatment of his iconic character Luke Skywalker.

Boyega said he himself was unsatisfied with some of the plot points of The Last Jedi, including separating the three central characters of Finn, Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Poe (Oscar Isaac).

"I didn't necessarily agree with a lot of the choices and that's something that I spoke to Mark a lot about, and we had conversations about it," Boyega.

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