
Fans sign petition to make Wonder Wonder bisexual

Los Angeles: Thousands of Wonder Woman fans have signed a petition to make the DC superhero a bisexual in its upcoming sequel.
Author Gianna Collier-Pitts, who belongs to GLAAD, a US- based NGO founded by the LGBTQ people in media, has started the social media campaign on which has been signed by 5,885 people.
In her petition, Collier-Pitts said the DC comics indirectly hinted that Wonder Woman/ Diana Prince, played by Gal Gadot in the Patty Jenkins-directed film, is a bisexual and that is why it was natural for her to be portrayed in her real sexual orientation on the silver screen.
'The likelihood of Wonder Woman being bisexual has been alluded to over the years, primarily in comics. Writer of 'Wonder Woman: Rebirth', Greg Rucka even confirmed that 'Diana has been in love and had relationships with other women', so why is it so hard to translate this for the silver screen?
'(She) hails from Themyscira, land of the Amazons and inhabited exclusively by women. This alone should serve as reason enough to confirm her sexuality, since any close relationship she could have had prior to her romantic storyline with Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) would have had to have been with another woman,' she wrote.
Collier-Pitts said that making Wonder Woman canonically bisexual on the big screen would make her 'the first openly LGBTQ superhero of any gender from either DC or Marvel's cinematic universes'.
She also requested Warner Bros studios to present the Amazonian superhero in her true form in 'Wonder Woman 2'. The sequel is slated to release in December 2019.
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