
Daytime Emmys cancelled due to Coronavirus pandemic

Los Angeles: The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) has called off its 47th annual Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony scheduled to happen in June over COVID-19 concerns. It is among many other festivals, which has been

canceled in wake of recent pandemic outbreak globally.

The decision comes days after the organisation decided to postpone both its annual Technology and Engineering Emmy Awards and its Sports Emmy Awards due to Coronavirus outbreak.

"Given our concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided that we will not be staging the 47th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards in Pasadena this coming June. As there are so many unknowns right now with the flow of information changing on a daily, almost hourly, basis, it would simply be irresponsible to move forward with our annual celebration of excellence in daytime television at this time," NATAS chairman Terry O'Reilly said in a statement to Deadline.

Various shooting schedules have been called off due to the virus.

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