MPD-2041: DDA to hold 3rd Youth Sabha on Oct 8
New Delhi: The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will hold the third session of online public consultations with Delhi youth on October 8 to seek their inputs for developing the next Master Plan of Delhi. This "Youth Sabha" will be held on the theme "Work – Live – Travel in Delhi". The first two Youth Sabhas were held on September 24 and October 1.
The DDA is preparing the next Master Plan of Delhi- 2041 (MPD-2041), in association with the National Institute of Urban Affairs. And as part of this process, a series of discussions are being held with various civil society groups to form the agenda for the Master Plan.
Delhi's youth, who form a significant portion of the population, are also important stakeholders and to seek their insights, the DDA has been organising a series of Youth Sabhas. The objective of these meetings is to understand issues faced by the youth (aged between 15-30 years) in the city and discuss possible planning solutions.
"The interactive discussion aims to capture the kind of "work-life" spaces that are preferred by the youth today which in turn changes the way a city delivers. It also aims to draw attention to the existing gaps and changing needs of young people in the workforce and their aspirations, facilitating work opportunities (Demand-based skill centres, common facility centres in industrial areas for start-ups, etc.), need of the influx population coming from other parts of the country, preferred housing and other challenges they face in the city", the DDA said.