
MCD to use GPS-enabled suction machines to clean Delhi markets

MCD to use GPS-enabled suction machines to clean Delhi markets

New Delhi: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) will introduce a pilot project on Tuesday where electric machines will be used to clean Delhi markets.

The Mayor, Shelly Oberoi, is expected to launch the project by flagging off eight machines from the MCD Civic Centre at 10 am on Tuesday.

“These are suction machines that suck the garbage without spreading dust. These machines are environment friendly as they are battery operated and do not cause noise pollution. The machine dumps 4- 5 times in a day which corresponds to a litter collection of 800-1000 Ltr. per day per machine,” mentioned Oberoi.

The machines are equipped with a bin container of 240 litres in volume, and battery capacity of 200 AH, with a backup of 8-10 hours.

The eight machines being introduced on Tuesday will have an inbuilt GPS and mounted cameras for real-time monitoring.

The markets will be cleaned twice a day.

“Local markets in Delhi face cleanliness challenges that manual sweeping alone cannot address. The high density of infrastructure and encroachment enhance these issues, making it difficult to maintain cleanliness throughout the day. Moreover, manual sweeping disperses dust into the environment which causes discomfort to the visitors and shop owners. As a step to solve the issues of air pollution and to maintain a clean environment in the market, MCD will introduce these 8 machines,” stated the Corporation.

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