
DU’s Center for Independence and Partition Studies held its first orientation

NEW DELHI: The University of Delhi has launched the Center for Independence and Partition Studies (CIPS) centred to study and research upon impacts of India’s partition and independence. The inaugural orientation program for volunteer members took place on July 24, marking University’s first ever institute facilitating research and scholarly discourse on historical events.

Led by Prof Ravinder Kumar, Director of CIPS, the orientation featured keynote speakers Prof Ravi Prakash Tekchandani and Prof. Amrit Kaur Basra. Prof Tekchandani, Director of the National Council for Promotion of Sindhi Language, highlighted the philosophical underpinnings and strategic goals of the centre.

He emphasised that the scope of partition studies extends far beyond 1947, encompassing deep-rooted historical antecedents influencing social, political, economic, and cultural dimensions.

Prof Amrit Kaur Basra, from CIPS’s Governing Body, outlined strategies for collecting diverse perspectives and scholarly material in multiple languages through interviews, seminars, and discussions for research and public dissemination.

The event, attended by college principals and professors, concluded with Prof Jyoti Trehan Sharma’s thanks to V-C Prof Yogesh Singh and Director Prof Shri Parkash Singh for their leadership.

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