
Delhi Police files FIR in firing at AAP MLA's event

New Delhi: Delhi Police has informed a local court here that Tigri police station has registered an FIR under the arms act against one Rajesh Sashi for showing up at an event chaired by AAP MLA Prakash Jarwal in Shonia Vihar and firing gunshots. A few weeks ago, Jarwal had claimed that goons had made their way into an event, where he was inaugurating a water pipeline and started firing shots.

At the July 10 event, after the accused goons had fled the spot, Jarwal claimed that he had dialed the emergency number and filed a complaint with the concerned police station. However, at the time, the DCP of the area had made a statement saying that the claims were unsubstantiated and a Daily Diary incident report was filed.

However, when Jarwal had asked for a status report of the investigation, there was no information provided. He then approached the court, where, arguing on his behalf, advocate Ravi Drall pleaded the court to direct police officials to come up with a status report. The court was further informed that Sashi was a habitual offender and had previously been arrested in heinous crime cases.

At this hearing, the Station House Officer of the Tigri police station informed the court that an FIR has been filed in the matter and the investigation is underway.

The Neb Sarai SHO, with whom the complaint was initially made had said that the case was transferred as it was out of his jurisdiction.

Drall had also presented in court that Jarwal had managed to find witnesses who had agreed to depose against Sashi, who had managed to escape in previous cases because no one agreed to speak up against him owing to his reputation as a notorious character.

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