
Delhi Police organises workshop on cyber safety

The Cyber Crime Cell of Delhi Police organised a workshop on 'Cyber Safety Awareness' which was attended by more than 121 computer teachers and Principals from over 114 schools across Delhi.
It was the third such Workshop for School Teachers and in total, 423 computer teachers from 302 schools from Delhi have attended these three workshops. Amulya Patnaik, Commissioner of Police, Delhi, was the Chief Guest in the workshop.

The workshop was aimed to share and to familiarise the teachers about a standardised cyber safety awareness module that has been prepared by the Cyber Cell of Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police.
It has been observed that school going children are more vulnerable to cyber offences due to their inquisitiveness, curiosity and inadequate awareness about online threats and safe online habits.

In order to create awarenes, Delhi Police has launched this initiative to engage with school computer teachers and seek their cooperation and support in sensitising the school going teenagers.

The workshop included the Awareness Module, comprising of presentations, short films, videos, quizzes, FAQs, and handouts on DOs and DONTs, was presented before the school teachers.

This was followed by a Q&A session for the teachers where several doubts concerning cyber threats and safe online habits were cleared by technical experts of Delhi Police.

Commissioner of Police Patnaik also highlighted the importance of effective detection and investigation of cyber crime complaints in addition to the various preventive measures being undertaken.
It was informed that more than 800 Inspectors and Sub Inspectors of Delhi Police have been trained in cyber crime investigation by EOW in the last one year.

Patnaik also unveiled a Training Manual on 'Cyber Crime Investigation' for the benefit of investigating officers of Delhi Police.
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