
Cops ask party ‘toughs’ to behave on polling day

The police are keeping a strict vigil that bad characters, ruffians, miscreants and pehelwans (wrestlers) do not turn into trouble-makers.

At least 201 of them were ‘bound down’ by undertakings in accordance with Sections 107/116 CrPC (security for keeping peace and written assurance demanded from individuals who may prove to be a challenge in doing so).

This exercise is always taken up before elections in order to ensure that the body-builders, groomed in the wrestling arcades, are not used as musclemen by the political parties during the poll season, said a senior police official. He further said that apart from them, the political parties have also often used anti-social elements for the same purpose during elections.

Wrestlers are either hired as body guards for the candidates or other jobs that may range from being organiser of the rallies to booth capturers and bogus voters. They are lured either with money or prospects of being given jobs once the parties come to power. Under the provisions for preventive measures, as many as 1,509 persons (mostly bad characters and ruffians) were pulled up under Sections 107/151 CrPC (dealing with keeping peace and written assurance, whose violation can lead to arrest), 626 persons were pulled up under Sections 107/150 CrPC (dealing with keeping peace and information of design to commit cognisable offence), Sections 109/110 (security of good behaviour for suspected persons/habitual offenders), revealed a data by Delhi Police.

Apart from that, as many as 22,450 persons were bound under relevant sections of the Delhi Police Act. “The undertaking for each case – 107/116 CrPC, 107/150 CrPC, 107/151 CrPC, 109/110 CrPC, and DP Act – are prepared separately, focussing on the nature of offence in which the person, to whom it is served, can indulge himself in. And punishment for violation can range from paying a fine (with a surety mentioned in the undertaking) to arrest of the individual,” said a senior official.

As many as 1,000 guns, licensed and non licensed, were either impounded or deposited at various police stations.
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