
Charlie calls Denise heartless and ugly

According to, Sheen’s text message read: ‘Let me see if I got this straight, you won’t even spring the girls for 30 minutes, from the 10 mile house I gave you, 100 yards away, to come down and open the gifts their dad bought them before they leave?’

‘I hope your stocking is bronze-age coal stuffed along with an assortment of 8x10’s of yours so you can see how despicable and heartlessly ugly you and your fermented soul continue to be.’

He also claims that despite the fact that Richards would not allow him to see the kids, she had the ‘audacity’ to borrow his private jet to go on a big family trip that she banned him from.

Sheen was supposed to join Richards and their two daughters, Sam, nine, and Lola, eight, over the holidays, but Richards cancelled the plans. ‘This is the worst X’mas I’ve ever had,’ Sheen added.
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